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Physico-chemical evaluation of soil resources in different regions of Taza – Taounate, Morocco

Sanae Rezouki, Aimad Allali, Bouchra Louasté, Noureddine Eloutassi, Mohamed Fadli


The area studied Taza-Taounate is a vast mountain range in north-central Morocco, characterized by a variation in bio-geographical factors that encourage a vibrant and diversified vegetation cover with a remarkable rate of endemism compared to Moroccan flora. Our work involves the physicochemical analysis of soils at seven stations in the study area. Three surface soil samples (0-15 cm) were collected and analyzed for physical and chemical parameters using standard laboratory techniques at each station.

The results showed the clay fraction's dominance in S2 and S3 and the silt fraction in stations S1, S4, S5, S6, and S7. The studied soils have low levels of organic carbon (0.97% to 2.29%), high levels of CaCO(10.1% to 24.9%), and neutral and slightly alkaline pH (7.01to 7.81). The most dominant element in all stations is calcium exchangeable, with values ranging from 51.52 to 74.91 cmol+/kg. The other exchangeable basic cations (Mg2+, Na+, K+) have relatively low levels. CEC values vary between 36.12 and 81.13 cmol+/kg, indicating that our soil type is heavy to organic.

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