Distribution of some heavy and essential metals Cd, Pb, Cu, Fe and Zn in Mango fruit (Mangifera Indica L.) cultivated in Different Regions of Pakistan

Distribution of some heavy and essential metals Cd, Pb, Cu, Fe and Zn in Mango fruit (Mangifera Indica L.) cultivated in Different Regions of Pakistan


  • NUSRAT jalbani pcsir lab karachi
  • Mustafa Tuzen
  • Funda Aydin
  • Shahid Bhutto





In the present study, the concentrations of Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn and Fe from 50 mango samples (Mangifera indica L.) were detected by electro-thermal/flame atomic absorption spectrometry (ETAAS/FAAS). In this study three varieties such as Dusahri, Langra and Chaunsa were collected from different regions (Multan, Sadiqabad, Rahimyar Khan and Mirpurkhas) of Pakistan.  The effect of different varieties and environmental conditions on metal accumulation was also investigated. The aim of this study is to compare the level of essential and toxic metal in different regions and correlate the differences observed in metal accumulation to environmental conditions. The accuracy of the conventional acid digestion (CAD) method was checked by analyzing Certified Reference Materials (CRM) i.e. fortified water (TMDA-70), apple leaves (1515) and standard addition technique. The limit of detections (LODs) of the method were found to be 0.113, 2.0, 22.7, 3.85 and 3.05 µg L-1 for Pb, Cd, Cu, Fe, and Zn, respectively.

Author Biography

NUSRAT jalbani, pcsir lab karachi

Analytical chemistry

atomic absorption specteromerty

heavy metals


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Analytical Chemistry