Chemical composition and antibacterial effect of Smyrnium olusatrum L. Fruit Essential Oil

Chemical composition and antibacterial effect of Smyrnium olusatrum L. Fruit Essential Oil


  • Saida Cherif Hamida Laboratory of de Biotechnology, Environment and Health, Department of Biology, Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences. University Blida-1, Road from Soumâa, BP270, 09000, Algeria.
  • Imane Zalegh Laboratory of Physical Chemistry and Bioorganic Chemistry / Research Unit Microbiology, Hygiene & Biomolecule, Laboratory of Virology, Microbiology, Quality & Biotechnology / Ecotoxicology and Biodiversity. Faculty of Sciences and Technologies of Mohammedia, University Hassan II Casablanca MOROCCO. BP 146- 28800 Mohammedia MOROCCO.
  • Fairouz Saidi Laboratory of de Biotechnology, Environment and Health, Department of Biology, Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences. University Blida-1, Road from Soumâa, BP270, 09000, Algeria.
  • Nabahat Benmanssour Laboratory of de Biotechnology, Environment and Health, Department of Biology, Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences. University Blida-1, Road from Soumâa, BP270, 09000, Algeria.
  • M. Carmen González-Mas Departament de Farmacologia, Facultat de Farmàcia, Universitat de València, Avd. Vicent Andrés Estellés s/n 46100 Burjassot, Valencia, Spain
  • M. Amparo Blázquez Departament de Farmacologia, Facultat de Farmàcia, Universitat de València, Avd. Vicent Andrés Estellés s/n 46100 Burjassot, Valencia, Spain
  • Rajaa Ait Mhand Research Unit Microbiology, Hygiene & Biomolecule, Laboratory of Virology, Microbiology, Quality & Biotechnology / Ecotoxicology and Biodiversity. Faculty of Sciences and Technologies of Mohammedia, University Hassan II Casablanca MOROCCO. BP 146- 28800 Mohammedia MOROCCO
  • Mohamed Akssira Laboratory of Physical Chemistry and Bioorganic Chemistry/ Faculty of Sciences and Technologies of Mohammedia, University Hassan II Casablanca MOROCCO. BP 146- 28800 Mohammedia MOROCCO.



The plants of the Apiaceae family are mainly used for food purposes and their multiple therapeutic properties and biological activities. This study aims to determine the chemical composition of Essential Oil (EO) of the fruits of Smyrnium olusatrum L. obtained by hydrodistillation in Clevenger-type apparatus. GC/MS analyzed the EO and the antibacterial activity was evaluated against clinical bacterial strains by two complementary methods (Disc diffusion and micro-atmosphere) and determination of Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC). The results of chemical composition show that the EO is dominated by hydrocarbon monoterpenes (55,95%). The antibacterial effect shows that Gram-positive bacteria are the most sensitive to the inhibitory action of EO with inhibition zone diameters (DZI) ranging from 18 to 20 mm for Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus faecium strains. The same results were reported with the micro-atmosphere


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