Effect of thyme and myrtle leaves essential oils on the quality characteristics of cured sausage during storage
The aim of this work was to study the effect of adding thyme and myrtle essential oils (TEO and MEO) at different concentrations (0.05 and 1%) on the microbiological and sensorial characteristics of cured sausage during storage (21 days) at +4°C. The chemical composition of essential oils, obtained by hydrodistillation, was analyzed using GC and GC-MS. Twenty and twenty three compounds were identified for thyme and myrtle essential oils, respectively. The major constituents were described as carvacrol (81.4%) for TEO and 1,8-cineole (61%), α-pinene (23.7%) for MEO. In its second part, the present study was conducted to evaluate the in vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of both studied EOs. For this purpose, the DPPH scavenging test and disc-diffusion method was used. Results show that’s both essential oils was able to reduce the stable free radical DPPH with an IC50 of 140 (TEO) and 941 mg/mL (MEO). Significant zone of lysis against all the pathogens studied. On comparing the efficiency of both EOs, T. capitatus EO exhibited higher antibacterial activity against the majority of strains and especially against Klebsiella pneumoniae (DIZ=24.2 mm). During storage, samples containing essential oils showed microbiological parameters stability better than those for the control. The sensorial evaluation shows that 0.05% of either essential oil added was best appreciated by the panelists.
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